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Filip Urban in Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava

The new assistant conductor of the Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava is Filip Urban, a native of Ostrava and our chief conductor, who belongs to the youngest generation of Czech conductors.

During the three-round selection process he proved his abilities by conducting first a smaller group of JFO players and then in the final round he worked with the whole orchestra. As a result, he will b...


Premiere concert at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava
Concert Hall of the Faculty of Arts Ostrava

Our orchestra performed for the first time on Sunday 13 October 2024 in the recently opened building of the Faculty of Arts in Ostrava.

The concert, which we organised together with the Creative Centre Musical Contemporary, featured works by Ostrava composers. Moravian Suite by Pavel Stanek, Lachnian Sun by Evžen Zámečník, Dramatic Overture by Milan Báchorek, as well as works by Blan...

6:30 P.M.

Májovák will play works by contemporary composers
Chamber Hall of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava

We are preparing another interesting concert for you on Sunday 13 October 2024, this time in the hall of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava.

In cooperation with the Festival of Contemporary Music "Hudební SouČASnost" Ostrava we are preparing works by Pavel Stanek, Evžen Zámečník, Vladimír Studnička, Milan Báchorek, Blanka Hosová, Pavel Nesit and other composers.


Film Nocturne delighted Karviná square

The concert of film melodies "Film Nocturne", which took place on Friday 30 August 2024 on Karviná Square, was a huge success.

Under the baton of guest conductor Marek Madeja, works from the films Magneficient Seven, Star Wars, Zorro, James Bond, Mission Impossible, Avengers and others were performed on a beautiful summer evening. Violinist Tomáš Vašut performed as soloist in the cen...

8:00 P.M.

Film melodies on Karviná square
Masaryk Square Karviná-Fryštát

A selection of the most beautiful film music will be performed by us on Friday 30 August 2024 on the square in Karviná-Fryštát. You can also look forward to soloist Tomáš Vašut (violin), guest conductor Marek Madeja and the evening's guide Daniela Walová. In case of bad weather, the concert will be held in the hall of the Municipal House of Culture.
The concert is free for you, don't miss it...


Májovák delighted the audience in Poland
Opole Philharmonic

The concert of the Symphonic Wind Orchestra Májovák Karviná, which took place on Saturday 25th May 2024 in the Polish Philharmonic in Opole, was a huge success and a great representation of our town. The final standing ovation of the full hall only underlined the excellent performance of Májovák.

"We are very happy that we have managed to establish cooperation with such a top-notch ens...

6 P.M.

Concert at the Opole Philharmonic
Opole Philharmonic

A concert in the beautiful hall of the Opole Philharmonic awaits us on Saturday 25 May 2024. Dominik Bunc will be the soloist in the oboe concerto Legacy by the Spanish composer Óscar Navarro, as well as the famous Symphonic Dances from West Side Story, Carnival Overture and American Suite by Antonín Dvořák, Scherzo from Bedřich Smetana's Triumphal Symphony and Polka and Fugue from Jaromír Weinb...


Májovák celebrated 60 years of the Karviná Municipal House of Culture
Municipal House of Culture Karviná

The celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Karviná Municipal House of Culture and the Year of Czech Music culminated with a festive concert of our orchestra on Saturday 6 April 2024. The famous arias from the opera The Bartered Bride performed by top soloists Veronika Rovná (soprano) and Peter Berger (tenor), the overture Carnival and American Suite by Antonín Dvořák, Scherzo from Bedřich Smet...

5 P.M.

It started with The Bartered Bride...
Cultural House Karviná

Karviná City House of Culture celebrates 60 years and we will be there!

On the occasion of these celebrations and also on the occasion of the Year of Czech Music, we have prepared a special concert consisting exclusively of works by Czech composers, Bedřich Smetana, Antonín Dvořák and Jaromír Weinberger. Under the baton of the chief conductor of Májovák, Filip Urban, the concert on 6 A...


Májovák performed in Czech Radio
Czech Radio Ostrava

Our orchestra opened the year 2024 with a successful concert. In Studio S1 of the Czech Radio Ostrava, the chamber orchestra of Májovák performed works by Antonín Dvořák (Serenade in D minor for wind instruments, Op. 44) and Richard Strauss (Suite in B flat major, Op. 4). The solo saxophonist Lukáš Kolek also shone in the programme, playing an extremely demanding composition by the French compos...

5:00 P.M.

Concert in Czech Radio Ostrava
Czech Radio Ostrava, Studio S 1

We cordially invite you to our first concert this year, this time in the studio of Czech Radio Ostrava.

Concert programme:
Antonín Dvořák: Serenade in D minor for wind instruments, Op. 44
Vincent David: Mirages for soprano saxophone and piano
Richard Strauss: Suite in B flat major, Op. 4

Filip Urban (conductor)
Lukáš Kolek (saxophone)
Eva Kolk...


International achievements of conductor Filip Urban

Filip Urban, the chief conductor of our orchestra, has recently won several great successes.

In January this year he participated in the final round of the "Felix Mendelssohn International Conducting Competition". This prestigious competition has several preliminary rounds (Prague, Seoul and New York) and out of several hundred participants only 36 performers advanced to the finals...


Májovák won an award in New York
New York

The beautiful appreciation of our recordings from this year (Symphonic Dances from West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein and Oboe Concerto Legacy by Óscar Navarro) arrived to us in the past few days from New York, USA.

We won 1st place at the Victory International Music Competition with this jury award: "Thank you for participating in the New York Victory International Music ...


Chorales rang through the sloping church
Church of St. Peter from Alkantara, Karviná

We commemorated this year's Czech Statehood Day and the celebration of St. Wenceslas Day with a festive St. Wenceslas concert. In the famous slanted church in Karviná we heard works by Richard Wagner (Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral), Thomas Doss (Of Castles and Legends), Otto M. Schwarz (In Nomine), Alfred Reed (Alleluia! Laudamus Te), of course the St. Wenceslas Chorale and other works. The ...

6:00 P. M.

St. Wenceslas Concert
Church of St. Peter of Alcantara, Karviná-Doly

We cordially invite you to the St. Wenceslas Concert, which will take place in the famous sloping Church of St. Peter of Alcantara in Karviná-Doly on Thursday 28 September 2023. The concert programme will include works by Richard Wagner, Otto M. Schwarz, Thomas Doss, Alfred Reed and others. The orchestra will play under the baton of conductor Filip Urban.

Admission to the concert is ...


Czech Radio Ostrava recording
Czech Radio Ostrava

In June of this year, our orchestra recorded again at Czech Radio Ostrava. We made 2 recordings here, the oboe concerto "Legacy" by the Spanish composer Ócar Navarro and the famous Symphonic Dances from West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein. The oboist Dominik Bunc presented himself in a virtuoso solo. Both recordings were made under the baton of Májovák conductor Filip Urban.

The pr...


Májovák nominated for the JANTAR AWARD 2022

The organizers of the Jantar Moravian-Silesian Art Awards have published the nominations for classical music. The expert jury decided to nominate a total of three soloists and two musical ensembles, especially for concert activities and recordings released in 2022.

Thank you very much for the nomination for this most important award of the Moravian-Silesian Region!



Májovák celebrated its 115th anniversary
Municipal House of Culture Karviná

On Sunday, March 5, 2023, our orchestra celebrated its jubilee with a festive gala concert "Májovák 115". Works by James Barnes, Bert Appermont, Artur Márquez, Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana and Evžen Zámečník were performed on the stage of the Municipal House of Culture Karviná. The excellent trombonist Matúš Krpelan presented himself as a soloist. The entire concert was conducted by the conduct...

4.00 P.M.

Culture house Karviná


Majovák is celebrating its jubilee and you can be there!

 On Sunday, March 5, 2023, from 4:00 p.m. in the Municipal House of Culture, Karviná
 Admission to the concert is free, just book tickets on the MěDK website and then pick them up at the box office
 Free re...

4.00 P.M.

Halloween concert in the slanting church
Church of St Peter of Alcantara, Karviná

The traditional halloween concert was held on Sunday 30 October 2022 in the famous slanting Church of St. Peter from Alcantara in Karviná. Works by Jacob de Haan (Castrum Alemorum, Ammerland, Monterosi and The Saint and the City), Jan van der Roost (Solemnitas and Hypernikon), Otto M. Schwarz (Back on Track) and Philip Spark (Flowerdale) were performed under the baton of conductor Filip Urban. ...


We have new Facebook pages!

We inform everyone that our orchestra has a new profile at due to the theft of our Facebook.

If you want to keep in touch with us on Facebook, please like our new page.

Thank you

8:30 P. M.

We invite you to PohoDen 2022
Důl Gabriela Karviná

We cordially invite you to the concert "The Best of Hollywood II", which takes place as part of the POHO 2022 festival in the area of the former Gabriel mine in Karviná - Doly.

The concert will feature melodies from the films Indiana Jones, Mission Impossible, Pirates of the Caribbean, Armageddon and many others. The concert will be accompanied by a visual projection of individual ...


Májovák played to the European ambassadors
Gabriela Mine Karviná

On Thursday 7th of July, our orchestra performed at the former Mine Gabriela in old Karviná on the occasion of the presentation of this territory to the ambassadors of 27 countries of the European Union. Two of our ensembles presented themselves, the brass ensemble played the famous Fanfare from the 1st movement of Leoš Janáček's Sinfonietta, and the Májovák Wind Quintet performed Pavel Staněk's S...

1:00 p. m.

Concert "The Best of Hollywood"
Summer theater Karviná

We invite you to the concert of film melodies "The Best of Hollywood", which takes place on Saturday, June 11, 2022 in the Summer Theater Karviná as part of the city-wide festivities "Days of Karviná 2022".

The concert program includes well-known melodies from the films Rocky, Armageddon, Mission Imposible, Terminal and others. Ondřej Janča (clarinet) and Vladyslav Hrytsun (accordion) ...

4.00 P.M.

Symphonic Spring in Tripple Hall Karolina Ostrava
Tripple Hall Karolina Ostrava

We cordially invite you to the concert "Symphonic Spring", which will take place on 1 May 2022 in the Karolina Triple Hall. The concert will feature works by James Barnes, Bert Appermont, Oliver Waespi, Percy Grainger and Johan de Meij.

The soloist will be Matúš Krpelan (trombone). The concert is conducted by Ondřej Packan and moderated by Petr Kubala.

Photogallery from th...


Májovák will be presented at the world conference WASBE
Prague, Palace Žofín

In July this year, our orchestra will perform at the WASBE 2022 World Symphony Wind Orchestra Conference in the Great Hall of the Žofín Palace in Prague.

This festival will feature selected top ensembles from the USA, Canada, Korea, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain and Czechia. The concert of the American orchestra "The President's Own" United States Marine Band, whose main mission ...


Májovák Wins Gold at Geneva
Geneva (CH)

Our band's participation in the Genève Music Band Contest - Digital Edition" turned out to be an enormous success. We placed first in the "Excellence" category and won the gold medal. Our performance was judged by a jury that was composed of the following experts and composers: Franco Cesarini (Switzerland, jury chairman), Bert Appermont (Belgium), Jacob de Haan (the Netherlands), Jan van der ...


Our clarinetist Ondřej Janča awarded
Chateau Fryštát

Our first clarinet player, Ondřej Janča, was awarded the award of cultural merit for the year 2021. He earned the award for his extraordinary results in culture and accepted it at Chateau Fryštát. Apart from Mr. Janča, other personalities were awarded as well - the writer Karin Lednická, the Permoník choir, fine artist Renata Filipová and others. Congratulations!

Report from appreci...


Recording for Geneva competition
Czech Radio Ostrava

In October, our band is taking part in the Genève Music Band Contest in Geneva, Switzerland. Due to the Covid epidemic, the competition has gone digital. Each band has sent a recording of its programme. The recording has strict rules to follow. The contest is divided into five categories, with Májovák competing in the highest "Excellence" class. The test piece is James Barnes' Pagan Dances. For th...

7:30 P.M.

Film Nocturne in Karviná
Culture house Karviná

On Saturday 3rd July 2021, our first post-covid concert titled "Film Nocturne" took place. Due to an unpromising weather forecast, we had to reschedule the performance indoors. The audience could enjoy film music by John Williams, Ennio Morricone, James Horner and many more. We played music from Star Wars, Kill Bill, Titanic, The Magnificent Seven, James Bond or Forrest Gump. As soloists, Ondřej ...

9:30 P.M.

Film nocturne
Summer theater Karviná

After a long hiatus we'd like to invite you to a concert. And not just "a" concert. With the support of local institutions, authorities and foundations, we're preparing a concert with the most famous and beautiful soundtracks: Forrest Gump, Star Wars, Titanic, Indiana Jones, Kill Bill, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and many more. Great soloists: Pavel Hromádka ...


New website

We have great news for you! At you will find a new website dedicated to symphonic wind music in the world. Their author and administrator is our conductor Ondřej Packan and you will find there informations about the history of symphonic wind music, an overview of the most famous authors, leading orchestras and much more. The site will of course be continuously updated and ...


New equipment for our band

The year 2020, negatively affected by the pandemic situation, was a tough one for our orchestra. Namely because we couldn't fulfill our main mission, i.e. give performances in Karviná or elsewhere and go on tours. For that reason we focused on improving our rehearsal room and our equipment. We installed new acoustic panels to improve the sound quality, and purchased new instruments - an ...

4.00 P.M.

New Year's Concert 2020
Cultural house Karviná

We would like to invite you to our traditional New Year concert. It is held on Thursday 1st January 2020 in the House of Culture in Karviná. We are rehearsing a number of new pieces. You can look forward to Oliver Waespi's Divertimento, James L. Hosay's Persis Overture or II Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra by Óscar Navarro. Onřej Janča is performing as soloist. In the second half, the orc...

4.00 P.M.

Halloween concert
Church of St. Peter from Alakantara, Karviná-Doly

Májovák prepared its traditional All Saints' Day concert. It was held in the leaning church of St Peter of Alcantara on 3rd November at 4 p.m. This year was different – our smallers ensembles performed: a brass quintet, bassoon quartet, the Ibert Duo – a flute and a guitar, our harpist Jarmila Giecková and vocal soloists Oldřiška Honsová with Jan Soukup. Our listeners enjoyed pieces by W. A. Mozar...


Májovák participated at a festival in Italy
Besana in Brianza

Májovák participated at a festival in italian town Besana in Brianza (near to Milano) from 3rd to 8th July. The ensemble prepared a concert of music by James Barnes (Symphonic Overture), Otto M. Schwarz (Saxpack), Johan de Meij (Dutch Masters Suite), Antonín Dvořák (Festive March, Slavonic Dance No. 1), Leoš Janáček (Pilky from Lachnian Dances) and Bedřich Smetana (Polka and Finale from the opera ...

4.00 P.M.

Concert in Paintings of Famous Masters
Landek Park Ostrava

On Sunday 12th May the traditional spring concert was held, this time called "Concert in Paintings of Famous Masters". It was not the first time the orchestra performed at the Landek Park mining museum in Ostrava. The conductor Ondřej Packan prepared a demanding repertoir composed of two different parts. In the first part the audience could enjoy pieces by James Barnes, Otto M. Schwarz and Johan ...

4.00 P.M.

New Year's Concert
Cultural house Karviná

The traditional New Year's Concert was held on 1st January 2019 in Karviná. In the first half the orchestra performed Festival March by Antonín Dvořák, Polka and Finale from The Bartered Bride by Bedřich Smetana, Arabesque by Samuel R. Hazo, and premiered Symphonic Overture by James Barnes. The second half was dedicated to our exceptional vocal soloists, Liana Sass (soprano) and Lukáš Bařák (bar...

4.00 P.M.

All Saints concert in Karviná
Church of St. Peter from Alakantara, Karviná-Doly

The traditional All Saints concert was held in the leaning St Peter of Alcantara church on 4th November and it saw Májovák collaborate with the excellent Chorus Ostrava choir led by Mrs. Petra Rašíková. The ensembles performed music by Vivaldi, van Nuffel as well as Jan Soukup, who is the orchestra's bassoon player and who dedicated his piece 'Martyrium Trium Sanctorum' to Májovák. It is inspired ...

4.00 P.M.

Májovák Celebrated 100 Years of the Republic
Business Faculty Karviná auditory hall

Májovák celebrated 100 years since the founding of Czechoslovakia on 28th October. The concert started at 4 p.m. in the auditory hall of Business Faculty.

The concert was dedicated to Czech compsers only - Janáček, Smetana, Dvořák, Staněk, Zámečník. The repertoir included e.g. Libussa Fanfares, Lachian Dances, Slavonic Dances, The Bartered Bride, Czech Folk Dance Suite etc. The orchest...


New Season Ahead - Májovák to Perform Home and Away

A new concert season is starting, both rich and interesting. Business Faculty of the Silesian University, leaning Church of St. Peter of Alcantara, Gong Hall in Ostrava, Karviná Culture House, Landek Park Ostrava and Besana in Brianza (Milan, Italy). These are places Májovák is going to perform in. We're going to add new pieces (Symphonic Overture by James Barnes or Dutch Masters Suite by Johan de...


Májovák performs in Spain
Torrevieja (ESP)

Májovák took part in the 16th "Bandas de música" festival in Torrevieja last week. The concert took place in the "Eras de la Sal" amphitheatre on the shore of the Mediterranean. The band played pieces by Thomas Doss, Alfred Reed, Samuel R. Hazo as well as Czech music composed by Smetana, Dvořák, Zámečník, Staněk and Fučík. As solo clarinetist, Ondřej Janča played Óscar Navarro's "II Concerto para ...


Májovák to Go to Spain
Ciudad de Torrevieja (ESP)

Májovák's first time in Spain! In August we're leaving for the 16th Torrevieja wind music festival on the shore of the Mediterranean. On Thursday 23rd August we'll be playing in the beautiful "Eras de la Sal" amphitheatre situated right on the coast. Led by Ondřej Packan, we're going to play music of both Czech and foreign composers. Ondřej Janča is going to perform Óscar Navarro's "II Concerto pa...


110th Anniversary Booklet

In terms of the orchestra's anniversary, a new booklet about its history and activities during the last 10 years has been published. It includes a photo gallery by Edmund Kijonka and Milan Polóny. The booklet can be purchased in the town's information office in Fryštát.

The publication was supported by the town of Karviná, OKD foundation, Residomo funds and Landek foundation. Tha...


Wacław Olszak Medal for Májovák

On Monday 18th June, the orchestra was awarded the Wacław Olszak Medal by local authorities. The medal is given to people who have contributed to the development and promotion of the town and Májovák accepted if from the hands of Jan Wolf, the mayor of Karviná, and his deputy Karel Wiewiórka. The prize was also awarded to Milan Bystroň, our former conductor, and Libuše Kolková, local historian.

9.00 P.M.

Musical & Pop Music on Karviná Days
Masaryk Square, Karviná

On Friday, June 8, 2018, another concert of our orchestra was held at Masaryk Square in Karviná. This time he was dedicated to the genre of musical and pop music. The filled square in the evening listened to the aria from the musical Jesus Christ Superstar, Phantom of London, West Side Story, Edith and Marlene and others. Singers Hana Fialová, Martina Šnytová, Nela Žáková, Petr Gazdík and Jan Slez...


110th Anniversary Exhibition
Regional Library Karviná

On Wednesday 6th June 2018, an exhibition was opened to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Májovák. Photos by Edmund Kijonka and Milan Polóny are displayed in the Fryštát library. The vernissage was attended by a number of guests - deputy mayors Karel Wiewiórka and Miroslav Hajdušík, Karviná House of Culture director Olga Humplíková, library manager Markéta Kukrechtová, chairman of honour of the...

6.30 P.M.

Gala Concert to Celebrate Májovák's 110th Anniversary
Ostrava House of Culture

We would like to invite you to the gala concert held at the occasion of our orchestra celebrating 110 years of its existence. Májovák is going to perform Óscar Navarro's "II Concerto" for clarinet and symphonic band as Czech premiere. The solo will be played by Ondřej Janča, the orchestra's concertmaster and clarinetist. Works by Thomas Doss, Samuel R. Hazo, Bedřich Smetana, Antonín Dvořák, Pavel ...

3.30 P.M.

New Year´s Concert 2018
Cultural house Karviná

Two important anniversaries were commemorated by Májovák at its New Year concert. The town of Karviná celebrates 750 years since its foundation and the orchestra 110 years of its existence. That means the concert was stand out, also thanks to the soloists: Liana Sass is a soprano and has performed on the stages of the most important opera houses all around Europe. She has performed with the Czech ...

3.00 P.M.

Májovák opening its 110th season

Our orchestra is entering its 110th concert season. The celebrations will be held in 2018, which is also a crucial year for Karviná, celebrating its 750th anniversary. Both these anniversaries will be commemorated by a number of concerts. The first one was held on Saturday 9th September, on the industrial premises of the Barbora mine. The orchestra was conducted by Ondřej Packan, its chief c...


Májovák wins gold at WMC Kerkrade
Kerkrade (NL)

Májovák has won the gold medal at WMC Kerkrade, the Olympics of symphonic bands in the Netherlands. On Saturday 22nd July 2017, the orchestra was awarded the gold medal with the score of 83.17. It is the greatest success since 1989 when our band last took part in the contest. The competition has been extremely tough this year, making our position more valuable. Májovák played Adam Gorb's Summer Da...


Májovák getting in shape for the wind music Olympics
Parkstad Limburg Theater (NL)

On Thursday 20th July, Májovák is departing for the Netherlands, where it is taking part in the most prestigious wind music event, World Music Concours Kerkrade. The competition, nicknamed the wind music Olympics, takes place every four years and hosts thousands of musicians from all over the world. Májovák’s performance starts at 6:50 p.m. on 22nd July at Parkstad Limburg Theater. Our orchestra i...


OSTRAVA 2017 - Gold medal cum laude, Best Conductor prize and Best Dramaturgy

On Saturday 3rd June the 18th International Competition of Symphonic Bands took place. This event was held by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. Top ensembles from Czechia, Croatia and Latvia took part. The performances were judged by an international jury chaired by Col. Václav Blahunek, chief conductor of the Castle Guard and Czech Police Orchestra. Májovák played the test piece - Fý...


International contest of symphonic bands OSTRAVA 2017
The Ostrava House of Culture

The Ostrava House of Culture is going to host the 18th international wind music competition on 3rd June 2017. The contest has been opened in three categories with our orchestra playing in the Highest Class. Apart from Czech ensembles, orchestras from Latvia and Croatia are going to participate. Part of the programme is the test piece - Four Paraphrases on Czech Folk Songs composed by Pavel...


Easter concert of "Czech-French inspiration" at Landek Park
Landek Park Ostrava

We are pleased to invite you to the Easter concert called "Czech-French Inspiration". Májovák will perform together with its guests, Ensemble musical de La Croix Valmer. It was La Croix Valmer on the French Riviera where our orchestra performed last year. Májovák is going to present itself with the programme for the Ostrava and WMC Kerkrade contests. Spectators can look forward to hearing Adam Gor...


Májovák to WMC Kerkrade

In July 2017, Májovák will be taking part in the WMC Kerkrade, the Netherlands. We have passed through a demanding selection process, since more than 250 bands from all around the world had registered. The competition is held all month and experts consider it the most prestigious wind music event. Májovák is taking part after 28 years and it will represent Karviná and Czechia at the WMC from 20th ...


Májovák in a new season

After the summer holidays, a new season full of events and concerts is about to start. You can see our orchestra perform at the All Souls' concert in the leaning church of St. Peter of Alcantara in Karviná, suport us at our traditional New Year's concert or at a joint concert of our ensemble and the La Croix Valmer orchestra. More info will soon be availabe on our webpage. We are looking forward ...


Ondřej Packan awarded the Talent of the Year prize

In terms of this year's Karviná Days, a traditional prize awarding for people involved in culture took place. Ondřej Packan, the chief conductor of Májovák, was awarded the Talent of the Year prize by Tomáš Hanzel, the town's mayor, for his conducting activities. Ondřej Packan has been the orchestra's conductor since 2013, in 2014 he became the chief conductor. During his career, he has carried ou...


Karviná Days with Film Music

A successful concert in terms of the annual Karviná Days was prepared by Májovák in collaboration with the Permoník Youth Choir. 120 musicians of both the top ensembles performed on the stage of Karviná's summer theatre. The spectators had an opportunity to enjoy pieces written by film music composers – John Williams, Ennio Morricone, Hans Zimmer and Howard Shore. The ensembles performed music fro...


Májovák leaving for a concert tour

On 21st June 2016, Májovák is leaving for its tour. First, it will introduce itself to German audiences in Rot an der Rot, which is known as the seat of the Rundel music publishing house. The concert will take place thanks to Thomas Rundel, the company's owner and Kreisjugendmusikkapelle Biberach's conductor. KJMK Biberach performed in Karviná last year. Then the orchestra will move to France for ...


All Saints Day concert

On 30th October 2016 an All Saints Day concert took place, where Májovák performed toghether with the SPZ Choir and its conductor Martina Juríková. The concert was held in the leaning church of St. Peter of Alcantara. We would like to thank the OKD foundation and the Karviná city council for financial backup. You can view Mr. Kijonka's photos in our gallery.


Májovák Leaving for the WASBE Conference
Prague, Valdštejn Gardens of the Senate

On Sunday 9th July Májovák is taking part in the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles conference, which is held in Prague this year. Our concert starts at 2 o'clock in Valdštejn Gardens of the Senate. Jan Soukup (bassoon) and Jan Nepodal (vibraphone) are going to perform as soloists. Under the direction of Ondřej Packan, the orchestra will play pieces by Tylman Susato, Julius Fuč...

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